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25 Jähriges Jubiläum Megapak

Die Megapak GmbH & Co. KG feierte vor kurzen Ihr 25. Jubiläum. Die Projektleitungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft bietet seit einem viertel Jahrhundert Service und Know-how in der Converting Industrie und im Maschinenbau. Zum Angebot gehören unter anderem Maschinen für die verschiedenen Anwendungsgebiete im Veredlungsprozess von Rolle zu Rolle. Zum Jubiläum bedankt sich das gesamte Megapak-Team bei allen Kunden und Geschäftspartnern mit einem „Grazie mille!“.




Pressemitteilung: C2 - Karl Verpackungen - Vom Kaschierer zum Beschichter

Die Karl Verpackungen GmbH, ein Familienunternehmen mit Sitz in Kraftsdorf, hat sich auf die Herstellung von nachhaltigen und individuellen Folien- und Papierverpackungen spezialisiert und setzt auf Werte wie Engagement und Innovation. Im Herbst 2021 hat das Unternehmen in Zusammenarbeit mit der megapak GmbH & Co. KG aus Hilden und dem Maschinenhersteller Nordmeccanica ein gemeinsames Projekt umgesetzt.

Nordmeccanica, ein führender Anbieter von Anlagen für Beschichtung, Laminierung und Metallisierung, hat die Kaschiermaschine "Super Combi 5000" geliefert, die in der neuen Fabrik II in Rüdersdorf installiert und in Betrieb genommen wurde. Das Projekt wurde in den letzten drei Jahren von der megapak GmbH & Co. KG betreut und spezifiziert und war von sich schnell ändernden Anforderungen an zeitgemäße flexible Verpackungen geprägt. Am Ende wurde besonderer Wert auf das Beschichten mit speziellen wasserbasierten Lacken auf unterschiedlichen recyclingfähigen Papiersorten gelegt.

karl megapak2

Lesen Sie die ganze Story in der C2 Ausgaben, welche wir Ihnen hier verlinken:

Deutsche Version: C2 Pressemitteilung - Karl Verpackungen und Megapak 

Englische Version: C2 Pressemitteilung - Karl Verpackungen und Megapak 


The Vacuum Division of the Nordmeccanica Group has just successfully completed the installation and start-up for one of the newest models in the Company product Range. A Powermet 25P sold to Nissha Metallizing Solutions and for the plant located in Casalgrasso Italy.  The metallizer will be used primarily for the metallization of paper confirming the constant growth in the industry in the consumption of this substrate. The final application for the metallized products of the new Powermet 25P will cover needs in an array of industries: labels, wrappings, and food packaging in particular. The order was awarded to the Nordmeccanica Group after a meticulous selection among alternative providers and the Italian Company was selected by Nissha Metallizing Solutions because of the cutting-edge technology and the impeccable score featured in timely deliveries through these past few years. The CEO of Nissha Metallizing Solutions, MR. Giorgio Bosso declared: “We have an important plan for investments in our 5 plants. We are upgrading our machines and investing in innovation with new machines to be able to serve all our customers and markets with better quality and innovative solutions. We are installing two new metallizer, one in USA and one in our plant in Italy, all with latest technologies. The Italian one, designed by Nordmeccanica Group, which allows to increase our service to the market, has just been started-up and is currently successfully in production. A key factor has been the very short timeline for the project. Nowadays timing to access new technologies is facing delays which are not following the customers market requirements. Nissha Metallizing Solutions is recognized as globally key player for metalized paper also for sustainable barrier solutions. Nordmeccanica Group has accomplished the project in time with hard commitment and work from the team.” The Site Mgr. Mr. Agostino Rossetto reported: “we are really pleased by the service provided so far by Nordmeccanica Group for the installation of the new metallizer”.  

Antonio Cerciello President of the Nordmeccanica Group expressed his personal gratitude for being selected. He explained: “One of the most important aspects me and my Company are particularly proud of is to have been able to create a format that, during the hard days we are all going through, allowed to serve our customers with innovative products delivered with impeccable punctuality. Almost an impossible challenge for most companies out there in consideration of the shortage of materials and the worldwide problems with freights”.



The metallizer for Nissha Group in completion at the Nordmeccanica plant.



The Nordmeccanica metallizer sold to Nissha Group.


ABOUT Nissha: Nissha Metallizing Solutions operates out of 5 plants globally and is one of the largest players in the Metallization industry with innovation and sustainability as the Company guidelines. Nissha Metallizing Solutions products are recognized for superiorities in cosmetics appearance, functionality, and printing friendliness.

Nordmeccanica Group is the largest provider to the industry of Coating, Laminating, Metallizing Machinery. Operates out of 7 plants and serves the industry with state-of-the-art products informed to the most advanced technologies. The Italian Company has led the industry during the past 40 years developing solutions and technologies that had a remarkable impact on the global conversion industry. Quality, Innovation, Sustainability and Service have informed the company strategies since its incorporation and continue to support the Group leadership.

Strada dell’Orsina 16/A

29122, Piacenza, Italy

P: +39 0523 596411

F: +39 0523 612051



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